Prof. Dr. Serdar HAN
Thoracic Surgery Specialist
Prof. Dr. About Serdar Han

Working with great devotion and love for his profession and people for over thirty years, Dr. Han is a Physician who has worked in many hospitals and universities in the fields of Thoracic Surgery and Diseases in Ankara.
Main areas of specialization; Lung Cancer , Esophageal Cancer, together with specifically Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (Shoulder Trap Disease) , Chest Wall Deformities and Excessive Sweating Treatment;
Clip-on ETS , Closed Surgical Procedures He has helped his patients in many issues such as and continues to be. He also made a name for himself in Ankara and within the scope of Thoracic Surgery and Diseases;
Lung Cancer , Lung Infections , Pleura (Lung Membrane) Diseases , Trachea (Airway) Diseases , Pectus excavatum (funnel chest) s discomfort,
Esophagus (Eesophagus) Diseases, Endoscopic Procedures , Mediastinal Diseases , Thoracic Wall Diseases like a lot He has helped countless patients regain their health.
Areas of expertise
Lung Diseases
Lung Cancers
Lung cancer treatment today Thanks to the new technology developing in surgery, we are getting more promising results in parallel with the smart drugs in the field of chemotherapy and the advances in radiation oncology. It is among the most common tumors in both men and women in the world.
What Are These Tumors? Benign Tumor in Lung, Malignant Tumor in Lung, Metastatic Tumor of Lung, Rare Tumors of Lung.
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
According to the cultural results today As a result of the widespread use of advanced antibiotics, the need for surgery for lung infections has been greatly reduced. However, there is still a patient group requiring surgical treatment, which does not improve despite the use of medication. These are empyema, lung abscess, bronchiectasis, cysthidatic etc. diseases. The recovery rate in these patients who underwent surgical treatment is very high.
Esophageal Diseases
The pleura is the name of the pleura. It is a very thin membrane. One is the inner membrane (visceral pleura) covering the lung, and the other is the outer membrane (parietal pleura) covering the inner surface of the thorax outside the lung. It is a thin gap between these two membranes that allows easy movement on each other and a sterile area with a slippery liquid. Fluid, air, infection and malignant tumors of its own cause the disease. Most of these diseases can be cured with surgical treatment.
Mediastinal Diseases
TOS is a disease that is popularly known as shoulder trap disease. These patients may have complaints of numbness, pain, weakness and tingling in the head, neck, shoulders, arms and hands. There may be swelling in the hands and arms. However, the most important thing to know is that there are many discomforts that can cause these complaints. For this reason, thoracic surgeons, neurosurgeons, physical therapists and neurologists should be carefully evaluated and the real cause should be revealed and the treatment should be planned accordingly. (such as neck hernia, neck flattening, muscle rheumatism, nerve compression)
The esophagus, popularly known as the esophagus, is a muscular tube that connects the oral cavity to the stomach. There are benign and malignant diseases of the esophagus. The most common complaints are difficulty in swallowing (dysphagia), painful swallowing (odynophagia), and a feeling of being stuck. Surgery is a special operation. Thanks to the advances in surgical techniques, developments in chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the results have started to be more promising.
Mediastinum or mediastinum refers to the part of the rib cage, between the lungs and outside the heart. It is a region that extends from the lower part of the neck to the diaphragm. Here, there are many lymph nodes with common vascular and neural networks. However, there is the thymus gland in the front, the esophagus at the back, and the trachea in the middle. Diseases belonging to all these formations can be seen. And most of them have a chance to be corrected with surgical treatment.
Airway Diseases
The main airway (trachea) divides into right and left airways. Each of these is divided into three on the right and two on the left due to the anatomical features of the lungs. Obstruction and stenosis in the airways may present with severe shortness of breath, bleeding (hemoptysis) and copious sputum production. There are malignant and benign diseases of the trachea. Surgical treatment is applied successfully. However, its surgery is a special surgery.
Thoracic Wall Diseases
The thoracic wall is the structures that protect our heart and lungs, consisting of bones and muscles, and allow us to breathe. Ribs bone structure and It forms the sternum (board of faith). There may be congenital anomalies of the thoracic wall (shoemaker's chest, pigeon chest), benign tumors (chondroma, lipoma, osteoma), malignant tumors (chondrosarcoma, osteosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, etc.). These diseases can be treated surgically. Especially shoemaker and pigeon chest can be treated with non-surgical method (vacuum bell) in suitable cases recently.
Endoscopic Interventions
Endoscopic interventions are the interventions made to examine the internal organs of the body, to take samples and, if necessary, to plan the treatment by using an optical device, light source, camera and monitor. They are methods that give patients less pain and distress.
- bronchoscopy
- Esophagoscopy
- Mediastinoscopy
- Mediastinostomy
- Videothoracoscopic Interventions
Pectus Excavatum Discomfort
Shoemaker's Chest
Applied Closed Surgical Interventions
Shoemaker's chest is the picture that is formed as a result of the cartilage part of the ribs, which we call the anterior chest wall, and the sternum to which they are attached, collapsed inward. It can appear in many ways. It usually starts in childhood and becomes evident with taller growth in adolescence. A child with a shoemaker's chest deformity should definitely be checked for kyphosis, scoliosis (hunchback, curvature) on his back. Although it is less common, another important issue is the evaluation of lung and heart functions. The biggest fear of families is that it will damage the heart and lungs. For this, further investigations are carried out. Contrary to popular belief, most children with a shoemaker's chest do not have heart and lung problems. The subject is becoming more aesthetic.
The most known and widely used method of closed surgery in thoracic surgery Video assisted thoracic surgery. video assistedthoracicsurgery- VATS). Today, with the VATS method, for every disease It can be done in suitable conditions and in suitable patients. The most important advantage of this method is to reduce pain and enable the patient to recover faster. Parallel to the developments in instruments, it is successfully applied with the increase of experience in the surgical team. Another closed method is robotic surgery applications. The working principle is the same as the VATS method.
Excessive Sweating Disorders
In Excessive Sweating
Surgical Treatment Method
General Body Sweating
Underarm Sweating
In case of excessive sweating, preoperative medical treatments (cream, drugs and lotions), iontophoresis and botox are not successful or insufficient, surgical methods are successfully applied. Today, surgery can be performed comfortably with satisfactory results. Surgical treatment is performed with the VATS method, which we call closed surgery among the people. It is mostly the clip-on ets (endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy) method applied in surgery. However, when necessary, this surgery is performed with cauterization and cutting. In very rare cases, in case of not being suitable for closed surgery, open surgery is also performed with sympathectomy.
General body sweating is sweating from all parts of the body. Head, neck, chest, back. They may present with widespread sweating in the waist, abdomen, legs, joints and feet. General sweating can also often be an underlying problem. For this reason, detailed examination and blood tests should be done. If the problem can be detected, general sweating can be cured by solving this problem. Our closed surgery, clip-on ets method is not an effective and solvent method in general sweating. This method only gives successful results in sweating for the face, armpits and hands. If foot sweating is present, we have patients who stated that the sweating in the patient decreased with this surgery.
Excessive armpit sweating is common and disturbing sweating in the society. Although it is a closed area, it can also be the level that goes up to our clothes. It can cause odor. It causes significant discomfort especially in our female patients. It negatively affects daily life and social life. Armpits can be alone or together with hand, face and foot sweating. Good results can be obtained in suitable cases with closed surgery, VATS ets, clip-on ets method.
Foot Sweating
Excessive foot sweating is also in our society. is seen frequently. People with excessive foot sweating may also experience sweating in other areas. Foot sweating can also cause a very uncomfortable and unhealthy environment for the person. It causes the development of fungus and infection, especially in the foot; This causes bad odor. In the treatment of patients with sweating feet only, in addition to medical, iontophoresis and botox treatments, if these treatments are ineffective and/or insufficient, sympathectomy surgery method can be applied.
Hand Sweating
Hand sweating is the most common and are the perspirations that are in sight. It is known that people with hand sweating have serious problems in their social and business life. In general, they prefer to stay away from environments that require hand contact. They always have a napkin in their hands. They cannot write comfortably, cannot hold an object comfortably, cannot play a musical instrument, and are afraid to shake hands. In people with hand sweating, it can be seen together with coldness and coldness in the hand. Very successful results are obtained with closed surgery, sympathectomy, clip-on ets, VATS ets method in hand sweating.
Face Sweating
facial sweating It is a common and very distressing disorder. Almost everywhere, it is possible to see people sweating beads. These sweats are so much that they may be so drenched in their hair that they reach their necks, backs, shoulders and the collar of the shirt and sweater they are wearing. Good results are obtained in suitable cases with closed surgery, sympathectomy, clip-on ets, VATS ets methods.
Reflex Sweating
Reflex sweating is a condition that all people who will have sweating surgery should be aware of. It is very important that this issue is well understood by the patient. He should ask and research again and again if necessary. To put it simply, reflex sweating is the sweating of another place after the sweating in one place has stopped. This is a physiological response of our body. It is seen in almost every patient. What is different here is the degree of incidence. This condition is severe, moderate or mild in some. Reflex sweating can be seen in any part of the main body (chest, back, abdomen, waist, hips or legs). Reflex sweating is not seen in the hands, armpits, face and feet. There is still no exact treatment method that can be said about reflex sweating treatment. Work continues.
Clip-on ETS
Clip-on ETS; It covers what we call closed surgery, sympathectomy, VATS ets and means the same thing. It is the name given to the surgical method. Clip; is the name of the material used. Its quality is titanium. It does not cause any harm to the body. It does not cause a problem when you have a tomography or MRI. After the clips are put in, they do not move easily.
Thoracic Surgery and Chest Diseases &
Sweating Disorders
Ankara Etlik City Hospital Chest, Cardiovascular Diseases Hospital
Varlık, Halil Sezai Erkut Cd. No:5, Yenimahalle/Ankara